
Logan Smyth's picture

OpenGL Pinball

Submitted by Logan Smyth on Sun, 12/05/2010 - 00:00

This was my final project for Computer Graphics class at McGill. During the semester we learned about OpenGL, the rendering pipeline, and basic information about graphics rendering. We had several choices for projects, but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for making games, so I had to go for the Pinball option.

Logan Smyth's picture

iPhone Navigation App

Submitted by Logan Smyth on Thu, 04/01/2010 - 01:00

For my final year project at McGill, I worked with Mathieu Perreault (@madmath) to build a iPhone application combining basic elements of augmented reality with navigation. The idea was that we were building a front-end navigation program to direct the user to a nearby available parking spot. We did not have an actual database of parking spots, though other teams have worked on that problem for their projects, so ours simply relied on the user selecting a rough destination of where they wanted to go, and then displayed a turn-by-turn instructions to get there. The user then had the option to use a 2D map view to follow the path, or a '3D' view by assuming the camera is facing out the windshield, and superimposing an arrow on top of the video feed.

Logan Smyth's picture

Wireless "Cows & Bulls" Game

Submitted by Logan Smyth on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 00:00

For the final project of Microprocessor Systems, my team and I designed and implemented a game running on McGill's custom development boards. Using the onboard MSP430 and CPLD and our custom drivers for all of the hardware, a wireless transciever, the CC2500, a PS2 keyboard and a 2x24 LCD display, we designed a Cows & Bulls game that would run wirelessly between two boards.

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